welcome to Southern Alberta Livestock Exchange

Southern Alberta Livestock Exchange is a forward thinking livestock market located in the southern region of Alberta.
We continue to challenge and change to shape this industry; adapt to the new realities and innovate!

SALE is a true livestock exchange.

Cattle are a commodity, with markets varying on a day-to-day basis. It is difficult to determine what the exact fluctuations in the market will be on any given day. You can trust our professional staff will get you the most money for your cattle on sale day. SALE prides itself in the ability to attract and professionally present large lots of quality cattle, which equates to more satisfied buyers. Competition created by the auction system make markets stronger and makes producers more money.

SALE does not charge a seller's commission for feeder and slaughter cattle sold through Fort Macleod Auction. Fees including Brand Inspection, A.B.P., Livestock Security and Yardage will continue to be paid by the producer.

The producer will be offered the added benefit of 24-hour and 7-day acceptance of cattle. Feed and water is available at cost.

Over the years and especially since 2003, we have seen the industry evolve and will continue to see changes in the future. Those that survive and thrive in the cattle industry in the years to come, may not be the biggest and strongest, but will be those who are willing to adapt to change.

Upcoming Events

Large enough to Serve you!
Small enough to Appreciate you!
Strong enough to Protect you!
Establishing True Price Discovery Through The Auction Method Of Marketing!