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5:46 pm
Consignments from (in no particular order)
As of 9am Monday - expecting 130 Calves, 320 Yearlings, followed by Cows & Bulls by these consignors below
- Pam Turyk - Hereford X
- Ralph Cervo - Yearlings
- Dan McDougall - Mxd Calves
- Cody Hogg - Long Horn Yearlings
- Dan & Jackie Sawley - Yearlings
- Al Lively/Justin Keeley - Open Yearling Heifers
- Dustin Gonnet - Open Yearling Heifers
- Mark Parsons - Yearling Steers
- Len Hillard - Yearling
- Sawley Cattle/Anchor P Ranch - Open Yearling Heifers - Angus/Angus X
and our regular run of Cows and Bulls following the Calves & Yearlings.
Remember sale starts at 9am!!